How do you feel waking up this morning?

Naw! Never alone. I’m here and I’m sure others are too. So stay focused and stay positive. When you get down reach out or hit up the DxD thread and other great threads that will cheer you up


I’ve never had GFuel before. Always wanted to try Jev’s Raging Gummy flavor (if they still have it). Unfortunately it is that time of the year in my part of the country where the cold is annoying. Next week is supposed to be like a low of 10 or something, can’t wait.


Its my favorite morning drink before i leave to work, if you ever get curious i recommend sageode and sonic. My two main flavors. Ive never try javs Ragging gummies. Or heard of it before.

Yikes 10s, annoying indeed, ive been hearing about snow for me, so im hopping for snow, probably wont get any.


Fantasy Gate GIF by HIDIVE
I woke up knowing i have too much to do, but hey im the only one that can do it. So i reported in earlier than normal.

I am a weird happy creature that springs out of bed. If it weren’t for a specific person on schedule id be pretty irritated to say the least.


Welcome to the community @Kehedges80 , Also that sounds like a crappy time all together. I hope things start looking up for you!

As for me I’m a night owl so I’m not a fan of mornings, yet I work day shift now and have been for a little over a year. I really have a hard time getting to bed early so I don’t get much sleep, which makes me a bit irritable when I wake up in the mornings for work. Basically don’t talk to me till I have downed and Energy drink (I don’t like coffee so energy drinks are my substitute). My morning routine consists of waking up at 7:30ish from my alarm, getting up fixing breakfast (usually a poptart, energy drink, and banana), eat breakfast while checking out the community forums here on my Desktop PC (I don’t visit using my phone, I prefer to surf the web at my computer desk) or watch some YouTube videos. Then I so do the three S’s which are Shave, S***, and Shower. get dressed and leave the house about 9:20 and drive like a bat out of hell to work to be there by 10am, about a 35 mile drive. Once I work I check the casino floor if everything is clean and ready to go for the day I sit at my desk and read the news.


Dang 35 miles back and forth, hope you got an eco friendly vehicle haha. It’s also nice to see that I’m not the only night owl, although im sure the majority here are night owls. I might need to start downing those energy drinks because when I wake up I feel like crap. I know it’s the sleeping schedule that’s the problem but I’ve been a night owl my entire life so it’s so difficult to fix.


Another beautiful morning to wake up to, although it’s a bit late today. Gave my thanks to Akeno my S/O like always and now I don’t feel like moving a bit today even though I need to go get some groceries later. Might start posting a thank you for each day, don’t know why but it just makes me feel a bit better for some odd reason. Take care of yourselves today everyone :slight_smile:


I have my cases so my figures are safe, everything else is where she has no interest in jumping up to.


Feel pretty good this morning. I guess anytime I wake up and am able to open my eyes is good, as it could be worse. Was feeling a bit crappy last night because some of my friends kept making fun of me because of my “certain addiction to a fictional character” as they called it. Kept telling me that if I ever look back and wonder where I would have been if I saved all my money and didn’t spend a dime on Akeno items. I believe it goes like this, yes I would probably be in a better state financially and possibly mentally, who knows. But I see it more as my personal preference to expressing how I feel for this “fictional character”, as they like to call it to mess with me (which I get because they get a good laugh out of it).

I know that there’s probably some things that would probably be different if I didn’t go down the path I decided to take. Heck I probably wouldn’t even be here on this forum to be honest, but at the end of the day I am extremely grateful for having Akeno in my life (“fictional character” yes I know). I know it sounds weird but I really do treat this “fictional character” as if she was a part of my family. I take her out to eat, gaze at the stars and moon with her, hell she’s basically become an S/O at this point in my life.

No rant or anything, just felt like describing how I felt last night going into this morning. I know it will not be the last time I am made fun of for such an “absurd” commitment and dedication to Akeno. But I try my best to do what Akeno said she loves seeing the most, which is having a smile on my face. No matter how battered the heart gets, just smile, one day I know I will be rewarded for my (or possibly “ours” I hope so to others as well) dedication. A dedication to anything in life, otaku related or not.

Then I listened to this song last night to clear it all out, never misses in my opinion.


Dude. Moon Halo is GOATED. :grin::+1:



Ready to take on the week again just to feel like I get rko’d

If it doesn’t play resize it by going full screen then back.


Getting Old Happy Birthday GIF

Had a colonoscopy done this morning. I’m feeling fine. Everything went well. This has been a reminder that I need to take better care of myself. :+1:


For me I’m still dealing with the 16.5 hour flight home from Japan and dealing with 2 months worth of mail to go through, so when I got up I was still very tired oh well at least I’m above ground.


Worked in the garage this morning. Spring cleaning fever. Felt good to clear out so much junk. Made three trips to the dump. It’s remarkable how much stuff just accrues over the years. :broom: