The Rant Board


Some ice scrapers really can’t do their job…


Yeah I was never into Facebook I made it in college outnof peer pressure. I never used and I am so glad I still don’t bother with it. Of course now Zuckerberg is claiming he wants freedom but they still are ridiculous.


He lies. From my feed today:


I’ve been struggling with the decision to post this or not, but after I’ve read many of the old posts I think that maybe it is the right place.

I don’t know if my marriage is dying or if we are at the typical post kids low point. I know I’m not happy and it is possible neither is she, but I don’t know because she doesn’t like to have real conversation. The only thing she likes to do is pretend nothing is happening until everything blows up into a fight. She loves to have arguments until she is losing then she walks away and refuses to discuss the problems. I try to forget about the stupid stuff but she on the other hand will remember EVERY LITTLE thing that ever bothered her to throw in my face.

I know there is a stereotype for women to be that way, and I know not every girl is like that, but she definitely is that way. She remembers the random time I accidently hit her arm when trying to turn around while going in reverse or a time I bumped into her while walking by in a tight space. Meanwhile she hits me for no real reason, I have physical bruises or marks at times, but I am always at fault. My slights are the end of the world and I never seem to do anything right. I get no recognition for the extra I do, only shamed for my mistakes or accidents. Because according to her me bumping into her by accident is the same as her hitting me with full force.


Im no professional here but sounds to me like a choice needs to be made nothing will ever be perfect but if neither side is happy I dont see a reason to continue that or seek counseling again not a expert but I also have no issue cutting people off


I don’t know if she’s unhappy or not because she won’t talk to me. For all i know she is “happy” and could care less if she is hurting me or neglecting me. She’s told me lots of times she doesn’t believe in divorce. Also, like others have mentioned before if I was the one who pushed for an out I would of course be the one to be punished and lose everything with today’s system.

Sorry I just wanted to rant because I just needed to say something.


I’m fixing to be really angry. My paycheck did not post in my bank last night.


Understandable man, mine has yet to post either


Paycheck finally posted.


Idk if this is a petty or not but when I go to the store I park a good distance away where no one parks get a nice walk in. Why is it I come out and some dummy is parked right next to my car of all the spots you park right next to me?


@MageHeart :eyes::eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
sassy ha ha GIF by Robert E Blackmon


It always a bmw?? :rofl::rofl:


That would make slamming my door into it even better but no :smiley:


Sometimes I wonder if they come factory with indicators or if it’s an optional extra :rofl::rofl:


Im just gonna make cards and stick them in the windows just to start questioning people. Just to make it clear no I have never slammed my car door into another my car is to nice ( for me ) to do that


Put a note on it:

Sorry about the ding. Next time don’t park so close.

No ding, but they don’t know that. :japanese_ogre:


My god…Thats genius



Make sure it’s in fancy writing too so they can hardly read it haha


Hey man, thanks for sharing. I am not sure if my advice would be helpful, but it’s coming from my own experience… Many of the things you mentioned, I’ve been there, I understand how you feel.

First thing I think you should do is to try to find something, a hobby or some activity away from your wife that can give you some inner peace, because if you keep letting this negative feelings grow inside of you it will definately affect your health in the long run.

If your kids are grown now I think it will be much easier for you as a couple to get some therapy or even consider spending time away from each other, it sucks when children are involved in fights.

Hope this helps… relationships are hard, specially when you are in the long run. I just went to a wedding anniversary of a relative from my family 2 weeks ago, 30 years together… man I am sure that was a rough ride… they seemed very happy with each other and apparently still in love, but I am sure hard times were a plenty!


My wife says she feels bad for men’s wives who don’t use directionals; if you can’t make that motion driving a car - they prob can’t do that same motion in the bedroom if you get her drift :smirk::wink:.