To be honest, I’ve pretty much quit collecting anime figures, except for whatever figure comes in The Otaku Box each month or the occasional rare must have. I’m gonna be much more picky when it comes to figures as I got way to many, many of which is “meh” to me.
My biggest addiction right now is a toss up between manga and Nendoroid figures. At least they have a smaller footprint overall.
I just finished watching Tokyo gore police and it was a movie the story was simple but works for the movie since it seems like a movie made about a cool or interesting concept that needed a simple story to push the movie along I rate it a 3.5
Who uses catalogs in 2025 anyway? Don’t they have a website? I wouldn’t pay money for junk mail.
“Give us money so we can send you a book to order stuff out of like it’s the 19th century instead of us creating a website for that very purpose like a proper business would”