I mean yes and no
Buu can be whatever Buu wants. Hell in Xenoverse (based on the Dragon Ball Online MMO) the reason so many Buu’s exist is because Buu got bored being the only one of his kind, so he pulled off pieces of himself and created new Buu’s Both Male and Female, to inhabit the earth alongside the humans and everyone else. Creating the Majin race.
Majin | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom.
In Dragon Ball Online , it is revealed that, in Age 790, Majin Buu created a female mate called Miss Buu for himself. This led them to start a family leading to the birth of their first child Baby Buu via the Love-Love Beam technique, and thus the dawn of the Majin race on Earth.
i didnt know any of that, thank you for realizing what im missing, now i will have to go watch a Buu lore video
wish that were me on the bottom of course
Black Friday is coming…Prayers for everyone working Retail!
May your meltdowns be mild and your crowds be civil!
@Hestia25 … AnYor?
I just started this anime and I highly enjoy it.
Yeah, the best of this season I’d say
super sexy
I have a VIP hell pass:innocent: