And this is really ironic
UK has draconian knife laws.
With the way the US is going with their gun laws, knives could be next.
It’s the UK, they go after people with butter knives. They are a bit ridiculous and are a big brother level of dystopian state when if comes to certain laws. They arrest people over social media posts for god sake.
Not gonna happen, the second amendment is there for a reason. If they even try to get rid of it there would be an uprising. The second amendment isn’t about hunting or guns, but the right for they people to protect themselves from a tyranical government. That’s why our founding fathers carefully wrote “the right to bear arms” as weapons evolve over time and the term “arms” covers any changes thus future proofing by wording. Also the second amendment cannot and shall not be infringed, aka any government restrictions are unconstitutional.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The second amendment is in place to protect the first amendment, which unfortunately many in our own government do not like and want to remove them.
The UK does not have Freedom of Speech or the second amendment rights, even though they appear to be a free state and the surface, they most definitely are not.
The world is doomed lol
Microtransactions and Gacha go brrr