I agree with Holo. Make sure to bring plenty of apples!
And some honey pickled peaches
I will just “Gotcha catch em all”
This is a easy with the Fairy tail Guild just a bunch of functional idiots but loyal ones and they know how to party !!!
I think I’d wanna hang out with Luffy
I’d like to pick the entire Straw Hat crew from One Piece
Her tiny frame is under some massive stress
I’d be more than happy to walk behind her and help her hold them . . . er, I mean that weight up.
“Assist” thats the word you looking for buddy lol
No, no. “Consent.” THAT’S the word I’m looking for.
PRETTY sure she has already given that lol I mean just by kinda looking
He’s a dandy guy, in space.
I bet it would be fun traipsing through the galaxy on the Aloha Oy. And stopping off at Boobies!
i’d love to hang out with the utawarerumono gang or tamamo and saber from fate poke would also be a nice world to hang out in
I’m 100% in on hanging out with Natsu, Grey or Erza
I would love to hang out with revy or esdeath
haha nice choice