I have a new book for my tabletop gaming. It will also help me flesh out the villains in my latest LITRPG manuscript I’m writing. Available on le 'Zon. Er, this book is. My manuscript is still being written.
the only book I have in that category is an old Tenchi Muyo! RPG book, but it’s in storage.
Pic is one I took off the interwebs for reference
I tried D&D once, enjoyed it for the most part, but getting together reliably with friends with conflicting schedules is hard. I don’t have many friends outside of work to begin with.
Yeah, my groups almost always disband because of Life.
TT I so want to post about GURPS, but its been lost to me for years.
It looks very interesting!
Sorry, guys…What is LitRPG? I read the definition but I didn’t quite understand the idea
My reading of the definition tells me that it is essentially reading a book about a character that gets forced into an rpg scenario. The example they used was jumanji. Which is to say that the story is litrpg and the kids are experiencing the rpg while you “read”
It is when you have a good group of people to play with and a creative DM.
Hmm must be nice…oh well
It’s been many years. I use them for writing references now.
Hey, I bought the GURPS Basic Set book. I will post pics on MAIL CALL ¡!¡!¡ - #86 by MageHeart
and here for the book when it gets to my house.
@MageHeart I was meaning not to reference you but the topic itself, but thats where I loaded into the topic when I arrived before the copying of the site.
Who isnt calm?
I finally got new copies of the D&D core books, can’t wait to get a group together.
What is it? Taro cards?!
I’m about to call you