The Rant Board

No, pretty much the same.

The back of my old phone is coming off, otherwise I’d stay with it.

And apparently when you buy a new phone with T-Mobile you have to specify that you want a sim card to go with it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So I get to run by the store and pick one up after work. Yay. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Me who is still rocking the Galaxy s9+ I got in 2018



Starting on the 19th of November my job has played the same damn secular Christmas songs on endless repeat. So for whatever reason they decided to stop playing the music today on Christmas Eve. Seems today of all days would be the best day to play it.

Confused Robert Downey Jr GIF


And this is why I usually don’t upgrade for at least a few years. Especially if the “upgrades” are miniscule at best.

The only technical exception was when the two phones I had prior to my current one BOTH DIED within a year, so I had no choice there.


Without a new, faithful Street Fighter or King of Fighter port for mobile with touch buttons and stick I really have no reason to get a new smartphone…


Only reason I updated was because my battery pillowed and blew the back off my S10. Otherwise I’d still be running it.

Although, I’m really digging 5G service and a HUGE screen.


I am so sick of being sick, now I got this freakin head cold and runny nose that won’t stop!


Still going huh I figured after the throat you were good


I called off for work today, my damn nose last night was running like a faucet and wouldn’t stop. I went though a whole box of tissues. On top of that I had bodyaches and a fever, kept sneezing, was either too hot or too cold, all the fun symptoms. I doped myself up with cold medicine and vitamins and hit the hay early. Just now waking up. (I did wake up with my alarm earlier and after calling off from work went back to bed.)

I think what happened was as I was still fighting that sinus infection/ upper respiratory virus think that caused the sore throat and constant coughing which I was almost over, in my weakened state with my immune system I caught either severe cold on top of it.

I hate calling off from work for stuff, so when I do, at least people know I’m not faking.


Today I had to leave work since I throw up in the middle of the shift. I feel like S**t :sweat:


I know its hard to but you need to stay home and get better, You to monkey boy @Zoysite13


woke up feeling better today, at least. No bodyaches, fever, sneezing & runny nose is mostly gone. I think loading up on vitamins and medicine with plenty of rest did me good.

I didn’t do much yesterday other then rest and play a bit of Minecraft (single player world)

Gonna attempt this work thing again, If I miss two days in a row I need a Dr’s note for work (dumb company rule), and I can’t really afford that $50 co-pay right now, my wallet is still recovering from the holidays. Besides, I’d hate to go to the Dr for a simple head cold that is almost over.


An these companies wonder why more employee’s get sick lol. Got that doctor’s note hanging right here ya massive C u nex T :smirk:.


Wow. My annual COLA increase on my VA disability was a whopping $8. Woo-hoo! Living the big life now!

/dripping sarcasm


Show Me The Money GIF


Glad you are doing better. Some of the symptoms like dry cough can remain for weeks, I think vitamins would be the best choice to naturally get through this.


Hmm. We have a new Sr VP who I will be interacting with on a consistant basis.

His 1st name is Koby and my dang spellchecker keep changing it to Kobayashi.

Gonna hafta slow down and visually check his emails before hitting send.


Im so low on iron that i get winded walking up a flight of stairs but ive also been without my klonopin for so long that im going through withdrawal and detox. Thank God i got it back today as i wasnt supposed to go without it in the first place. Seriously though was it so necessary that i have this drug that im having tremors and episodes of sweating and being clamy. It’s hard to sit still while my muscles are trembling. This drug can be used long term technically but its really for the short term


Ugh. 7:30 PM and the boom-booms have already started.

Time to go drug the dogs into oblivion. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Poor puppers