Im gonna have to start dunkin on waifu’s
that’s kind of universal, he was made to be hated!
I weep for any girl who does make him her husbando. No you can’t “fix” him.
Well everyone is allowed one wrong choice
Et tu brute’
By far and large Malty from sheild hero. Also the -redacted- princess from redo of healer.
Agreed, personally I really didn’t want to break down every detail why I wouldn’t choose her outside of the obvious ones. But there are a plethora of issues why she would make a terrible waifu.
I agree with you.
wait what did i miss??
Everything good sir
Well, the Patriots fired Bill Belichick. Not sure what day you checked out, so I’m not sure what you need to know.
NVM i backtracked and read it all,no one cares about the patriots…this isnt the early 2000s anymore.
eleina from maji no tabi… was one lf the very very few times where the the awsome graphics and the protagonist kawainess didnt make up for how unpleasant and antiphatic she was otherwise i would say, haruhi suzumiya lol… i rrrrreally tried hard to get into the anime… but really couldnt stand her
Holy shit people are agreeing with me… im not used to this feeling lol
Hmmm for me it might be Faye Valentine, she’s cute an all but i just find her annoying.
Top pick though would be Princess Flare from Redo of healer before the alteration. (If you know you know) lol

Im laughing at the flare part lol
Faye was just your classic Femme Fatale and a true gold digger, but she had her reasons.
I am not sure there is a such thing as the worse waifu’s, but in turn that is my opinion lol.