Ummm, I think you forgot I lose my account when I change phones🤔
Huh? You don’t bind your account to anything??
Then allow me to throw my luck to you so you can at least get most of them back
You have to decide what’s more important. Your current fleet or cameraderie…
That’s your call, though.
Well just add us when you get on.
Wo wo wo. That’s a tuff decesion. But you know we are here regardless
I want that RIGHT now
hurry up and lvl up
Jeebus. Had to do a 1.6gb update outside of the game and now it wants a 4.5gb update inside the game.
They broke something good.
This is why I hate modern gaming, I miss the old days of just insert the cartridge or disk and start playing. Big and long updates are just one of the many reasons I fell out of gaming, my time is limited and waiting on an update just to play in the limited time I have sucks.