Both my kids are huge board/card gamers with their spouses. This past Christmas I got my daughter Catana and my son Flying Buffalo’s Nuclear War 50th Anniversary set.
I’ve never heard of any of those except For lder. Sign and I used to have a pretty decent collection before I moved (too far to move so much stuff) . I just moved my favorite board games
If they like playing with just each other or up to (i think) 5, Taverns of Tiefenthal is a great time and plays fast. I definitely recommend it if you see it!
A friend of mine did something similar, left me with about 150 games, most of which ive never heard of or played before, and I have to find a new way to store them all!
I will look for it.
Wow, Amazon is pretty proud of their copy. They want $88 for it. Found it elsewhere in the $35-45 range.
Amazon tends to be overpriced for things that aren’t currently in print/available. Often your best bet is boardgamegeek or various independent sellers like me. There are a couple good facebook groups for buying/selling board games as well.
I found it at a local game store for like 49.99 i think.