I’m honestly not sure who that is…
Our Local Aussie
Lololol I meant the Waifu on the towel
O its Kurumi from date a live
Nope, 1 April is your 1 year mark.
Well, that’s one way to get me to poke me head in 'ere
Soooo close now!!
Same, another month for me
Omggg I decided to spoil myself and booked a pedicure for the first time… BLISS!!! That was so good and I felt my feet needed so badly
Should do that more often chick nothing wrong spending on yourself
I was nervous since I didn’t know what to expect. And when he was scraping my toes it felt ticklish but the experience was amazinggg
Hestia has entered the zone!
Had to come to Albuquerque for my optometrist appointment and my brother and I decided to catch a couple movies. So we’re watching the new Captain America and then later we’re gonna catch GQUUUUX.
Something to think about, If Physical energy can be converted to thermal energy, How hard would I have to punch a chicken to cook it?
Saitama could punch cook a chicken lol
I dont think it wpuld b a chicken anynore lol
I mean you could be right