I got a box today. Woo hoo!
They finally came! Yes!
My other books came in today 2 days earlier than what Amazon had said. I’m just waiting on volume 2 of Magus, but I have to wait till February for volume 1. I guess while processing somebody beat to buying the last copy.
Ask and you shall receive
Read the Hungry Succubus V.1 today. Rest assured Mage I won’t be sending away this spicy one.
Well glad I bought it
I got volume 9 in of Behemoth today, and the first volumr of a new series that just came out in manga form in English.
How many offshoots does Kobayashi have?
I got Magus vol.2 Friday.
I think I’m going to cancel my order of vol. 1 and find a different selller who can get it to me quicker than waiting till February 16th.
The mainline “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid”
then “Kanna’s Daily Life”
“Elma’s Office Lady Diary”
“Fafnir the Recluse”
And the current Japanese only ( No English version yet )
“Lucoa’s my XX”
C’mon Seven Seas, let’s get this done.
Do you have a Barnes & Noble near you? It’s in stock in my little hick city.
The closest location to me is Lubbock (1 hour and 43 minutes) or I wait till my vascular appointment on the 16th and hit the Barnes & Noble in Albuquerque.
Alright so I got better and had to catch up on somethings but I gots some mails.
There is a poster which I am fixing it up real fast
Thank you @Hestia25 !!
Glad you got it. I never got the tracking number . She clearly forgot to sent it to me