that’s awesome dood! i’m not a hero player but i still do love my crystal beast, cyber dragon/cyberdarks, and darkworlds in fact i still have my first edition rainbow dragon secret rare from tactical evolution and my first edition cyber dragon and cyber twin dragons from cybernetic revolution as well as the cores to all three decks( just needing a few cyber dragon cards and dark corridor to complete the archetype collection for cyber dragon/cyberdark and dark world respectively ).
I have loved evil heroes ever since they first came out. I wish evil heroes were better years ago. Now it is kind of funny that heroes now have all three effects of triple tactics talents to a degree. Dark law rips card out of your opponent’s hand. Toxic bubble draws two cards. Neos lord steals your opponent’s monster. I am wanting to pick up the rainbow dragon and chaos Neos ghost rare misprint I also own an ultimate rare misprint aqua Neos
I am so happy evil heroes are getting more support I love them and would have played them more if they were good back then
The only good evil hero was Lightning Golem because he was a free monster pop without any downside. Now evil heroes have wall monsters along with blowing up the field and stealing monsters.
Who is everyone’s favorite girl in yugioh from any of the series. For me it is either Alexis or Akiza. I liked Mia but her character turned me off along with Tea
Mai valentine sorry I got the name wrong thanks for the correction.
No problem.
Oh, right, my Favorite Female characters were: Mai Valentine, Rebecca- when the Atlantis Arc of the Yugi Moto set came out, I was about the same age as her-, Ishizu Ishtar, Akiza Izinski, Carly Carmine; I haven’t watched any of the Yugioh sets after 5D’s, too much working at stores and restaurants getting my careers started.
mai valentine, saotome rei(blair from gx), and alexis rhodes are the gals i like from yugioh that aren’t monster cards
I really love Carly carmine I really don’t see a lot of people talk about her
Funny you mention Carly I am writing a fanfic about what if some 5d’s characters were in GX and the summer vacation I am going to make Chazz and Carly a couple
What is everyone’s moment that made want to play the card game you play now? For me in the yugioh anime happened I saw the god cards were summoned I thought how cool they are but looking at it now that is too slow for modern yugioh
This man right here
I like it. Another couple of cards that made me want to be in yugioh was in GX with the evil heroes and Jim’s fossil monsters were cool as well
it was the blue eyes white dragon that got me into the series and the goddess of whim and fairy’s gift cards that got into playing the game
When my friends birthday in the first year Yugioh arrived, I got to play their 2nd starter deck for fun, and I instantly fell in love.
Nice that is always cool to start out with a starter deck.