they always ruined my favorite character carly carmine and made her only a jack simp when before she was a well written character >:(
Ya I feel like they could have gave the three meklord characters more depth earlier rather than just go and tell their whole story at the end. Also I don’t know if you caught this but all of the meklord duelist are left handed
Don’t forget, she became one of the dark signers, I thought it was great she became more important to the story. Never got to see how it ended, but still glad she went from side character to plot character.
Found these this morning and thought I’d post them here. Sorry Hestia, couldn’t find one of Hestia…I looked.
I like that. I am writing a yugioh fanfic with Issei as the main character in yugioh 5D’s
I know this might not make sense but I feel like the Asia would have blue eyes as her deck because she is the dragon maiden
looks like me and albedo have similar taste in decks cause i like zombies and waifu decks
Zombie decks are fun i enjoy them
Mayakashi will always be my favorite one
I played that deck for awhile I like how they synchro climb makes for a fun deck concept
I play it slightly pure only with bone tower being the 10%
i play mayakashi with small world and hand traps that work as bridges to get my combo started and i use the golden lord (i picked on eldlich the golden lord as a tech from a youtube deck profile for a competitive mayakashi deck) for some extra damage if i use my irl build my current deck irl is sky striker
That sounds cool I never thought of using eldlich with mayakashi
Best girl outta the series
I agree and numbers two and three are Akiza and Alexis
Now that’s allot of Damage.