Meh. I will not let a computer/printer/file beat me.
I mean the issue is I paid for it lol all I ask for is a good STL lol
All I ask for is a successful print.
Exactly lol
My GOD! lol Thats got some time
Printer said, “Pff. I can do it in 8.”
Wow!!! It’s looking soo good
I barely got that printed. With all the new supports, I came within a quarter inch of the riser topping out.
Reaching max levels
Well, schnitt. See the black portion on the one wingtip? That outside of my printer’s parameters. Didn’t matter how I rotated and twiddled with this. Some portion of her demon wing is out of bounds. I will have to print 2 of these and cut/glue to repair.
Going to put this piece on the shelf for now as I print other pieces that do fit. Maybe I’ll get enough cash before the end of March to get the bigger printer. In the meantime, I’m gonna keep printing the rest until this is all that’s left.
Have I said how much I hate this STL file?
This has been a adventure
Round 2 lets go!
I think I can make that demon wing work. Print it as is (after adding supports) and then lay it down and print the missing tip. Cut, sand, glue.
Of course, this all hinges on my splicer program and printer allowing me to print an object that goes out of bounds.
With three Chainsaw Man guests, I’m debating doing a large Pochita to collect autographs. Semi-problem is that at 8% infill this is still looking at 4 days, 5 hours and half a 1 kg reel. Might look into that time investment later.
They’re at least getting the mini Pochitas as souvenirs…
And I thought 19 hours on my one print was excessive.