My cool custom built computer!

I wanted to show off my computer I built myself a few months ago. It’s. Ot perfect but I like it.

It’s got pretty decent specs for what it is and the price I paid.


Nice stickers on the panel if I say so myself. I need to upgrade my GPU here eventually. Really the only piece of hardware that is old in my system still. I think the last time I tinkered minimally with my desktop was to install some more memory about a year or two ago. Went to 128 GBs of memory just for Koikatsu Party character mods, and no I am not joking.

I used to have all sorts of old hardware accessory and akeno stickers on my old rig before I disassembled it. Here’s a website that I used to use that has pretty cool hardware accessories that you can use and place over your pieces of hardware in your system, like the gpu backplate, cpu cooler (AIO), and drive covers like HDD, SSD, and M.2s even.

I am pretty sure they still do anime collaborations, although it has been a few years since I last purchased from the website. Got a really cool Rias, Akeno, and Koneko bunny costume CPU cooler plate back in the day before I switched out :smiling_face_with_tear:


Nice stickers indeed!
Its A Trap GIF by Star Wars


It has Tifa on it - it’s perfect by me!! :joy::joy:


Ehh you know, finally getting enough money for some upgrades