Unpopular Opinions

Simply Put, post whatever controversial opinion you have about anything, no matter how bad the take is.

Ground Rules:

  1. No judgement - this is a safe space to air your thoughts (opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one) not everyone will agree with you on every topic.
  2. No fighting - if you don’t agree with someone’s opinion, that’s fine, but don’t attack someone for it, everyone has a bad take every once in a while.
  3. Don’t take someone else opinion personal - Just because someone may nor like or does like something different then you does not equate a personal attack.
  4. Don’t be a A-hole - As in don’t use this thread to post a controversial opinion that is a direct attack on another user. Keep it clean, don’t start no crap.
  5. No politics or religion - That is the quickest way to start a fight in any group, keep those opinions to yourself, the topic does not have to be all anime related, but those two topics are taboo even here!
  6. Have fun - it’s ok to go against the grain, not everyone has to agree with your opinion, and you don’t have to agree with the majority all the time. Different opinions are ways the world evolves and grows over time! If people didn’t go against the grain we would still be living in the dark ages.


I’ll get this ball started…

I’m not a fan of AI art, as I feel it degrades and trivialized actual skilled artists and seems to flood image sharing sites as it’s so easy to create with just a few word prompts. Also the fact that AL uses image it finds online from databases to pull assets from to create the art, so in a way stealing real artists hard created artwork mashing it all together in a makeshift photoshop kind of way can claiming it as it’s original art.

Not saying it doesn’t take loads of time to get it just right, and I find the programing fascinating, but the art overall… not my cup of tea as most AI art is instantly recognizable and boring most the time.

Not saying all AI art is bad, because I have seen some good AI art, but a vast majority of it is obvious that it’s AI art and all share the same common problems of being boring with the same poses, same shading, art style an and a majority has the “same face” problem making one character indistiguishable with another.


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The entire Naruto franchise is trash.


Agreed! Also agree on the Ai art @Zoysite13 now there are some who put effort into it like Metal his are effort but alot of the others its the samething cranked out with in a sense no soul. I miss hand drawn pieces where artist now everything is just litered with Ai art.


Less Akeno and Rias merch in the boxes. I would love more characters in the figure scales like Megumin and Zoys pleads for Rach.

Also why can’t we put a bat into a boat in Minecraft. We can put other floating and flying entities into the boat like phantoms, Vex, and parrots, but no bat!

Oh and also McDonald’s sprites are better than the cokes.


I don’t like manga because I’m a visual person, and I can’t imagine the colors of the characters/scenes on the book​:face_with_spiral_eyes::face_in_clouds:


I know this isn’t anime related, but it’s the one non-anime related thing I’ll mention: in my personal opinion, In-N-Out is overrated. I prefer Red Robin more. It’s perfectly fine if you think In-N-Out is great! I’m happy you think that! It’s just not for me though!

For anime related stuff, I can’t get into Attack On Titan, Naruto, or Dragon Ball. The art style throws me off. I’m very particular about art style when it comes to anime. XD

That’s all I can think of at the moment. Just remember that all of you have a right to keep yourselves happy with whatever you like! We’re not all the same and that’s a good thing! Keep being your awesome selves! <3


I wish we had a Red Robin.


Being a male in todays society sucks more than being a woman. If you asked me who id call if i was on the verge of death I’d quietly respond nobody. Not a fucking soul.


Their food is SO delicious and they have such a huge variety! ^.^


I can second. Ever heard of Norah Vincent?


I was gonna put I wish my parents loved me ya know for laughs but figured that was more rant joking, in all seriousness…Can we go back to less Futa on image boards my god not a fan


Just came out swinging :rofl:


Im brutally viciously honest


There’s a reason why they say don’t kill the messenger because the truth can hurt sometimes :rofl::heart:


1- video game politics are vastly different then RL issues games are ment for escape from these issues
2- elon musk should just say sike and torch twitter to the ground we dont need it


I actually agree with you on that one, I gave Naruto a chance back when the original series was airing. It started out decent but after a while I dropped it. Too much filler. I haven’t watched a single episode of Shippuden because I never finished the original series. I think everyone agrees that Boruto is complete trash with no redeeming qualities and is nothing but a cash grab in a desperate attempt to keep the series going.

And I actually agree with @Erikeno about TOB having way to much High School DxD merch in it, needs more variety in my opinion.

I had In-N-Out when I was in Vegas a few years ago, to give it a shot since I heard people say how good it is. I thought it was trash tbh, Braums Burgers back home were much better!

Five Guy’s needs to make up its mind, does it want to be a fast food joint or a resturaunt, as they advertise themselves as a fast food place, but take forever to fix the burgers and and charge sit down resturaunt prices as their food it way over priced for what it is. Ate their once, and that was all it took for me avoid them. Their burgers were mid at best anyway.


Yeah, I agree about the overdoing of DxD in the boxes. Ease up just a tad, please?


I do not enjoy Dragonball after Dragonball Z. Its honestly feels the same story every arc, also I didn’t enjoy watching it, the fights were way to long, i enjoying reading the manga more.

I also think arguing which characters win in fights is just exhausting and annoying. People just get angry when you don’t agree and there’s never a spirted debate, just an argument where each side is convinced their right and won’t listen to the other’s point


Arrested Development Taking Notes GIF by HULU

I don’t mind ai art. Yeah I does put those that put in the work doing the real work. But it’s crazy what you can produce in such little time.

Naruto is trash! But also Naruto is trash!

I hate dubbed anime! When I hear English voiceover it sounds horrible. Yes I will agree there are good VAs. Some with amazing voices, I’m not knocking there work, but yeah it just don’t hit you know. There’s a word I want to use but it would upset my boy @MageHeart,starts with a c and ends with ringy.