This might be a bit of a long shot, but I love wearing lolita and I’d be happy to talk about it and see anyone else’s lolita coordinations.
Never hurd of this type of thing…please go on tell sume more bout it…
It’s an asian fashion of basically dresses and accessories that are very frilly/lacy and intricate. Theres lots of subtypes, and the one I wear is called sweet lolita. Sweet lolita is generally very pink and pastel, I tend to go heavy on the just pink side.
I LOVE lolita fashion, I just personally don’t have any outfits yet, but I do want to get some at some point!
I love seeing it in action, but I can’t carry it off in cosplay. Too old, fat, male, and hairy.
My favorite character who can pull it off is Rory “the Reaper” Mercury.
Which style(s) are you into? I wear sweet, but i also really like hime and classic.
I didn’t know there were different kinds, so I’m not sure which ones I prefer. XD
Rory’s outfit is considered Gothic Lolita. No idea how many different kinds there are. I know there is also a Steampunk Lolita which tends to favor browns with cogs and stuff.
I can’t say that I am personally into it for myself, I do like when others dress in it. I’ve seen some really good outfits, some that were all handmade. And @Beestie rory can pull anything off.
Ooooh! That’s super cool! Then, if I had to pick a favorite style, my favorites would be Classic, Gothic, and Kuro.
I like this style very much. Wish it was more popular around the world than it is
That many!?!
Like our heads. nodding
Yeah, it’s pretty diverse, but theres still clear overarching themes amongst all of them that bring them all together as a singular fashion.
I realized that I only shared pics in my mirror at home which gets cut off at the counter and I should share a pic that shows the full outfit including the shoes. This pic is from an anime convention I went to last fall.
I love Lolita fashion! Gothic Lolita is popular where I live in Japan, can’t get enough of it. Sweet it also great, there needs to be more of it. Thanks for sharing!
Looking good @Haywire. Is it a custom piece or is it something you got as is? Maybe you can convince @Beestie and @MageHeart to dress up, lol
Idk if they make Lolita in Size TANK lol