Man, that’s sad. Such is destiny - the pathfinders often have to sacrifice something
Update on the 5 time 1000 likes per day badge-
I got the 3rd set done today, 2000 likes to go.
Almost there.
Currently at 1, 200 likes so far and counting. no stopper yet. what is going on? I’ve only used hearts.
Update- Stopper happened at 1,450.
1 more time of 1000 likes to go.
I have officialy done 1,500 likes today and then a stopper happened. Yay. this should include the 5th time I stoppered my likes in a 24 hr period. I should get the badge soon.
Plus- @somwhere should have over 500 likes in a 24 hr. period by now.
Something I can be proud of at least a little in my venture to gain badges.
September 14th via 15 minutes ago
and from the past week via 15 minutes ago.
For the month I am 2nd place
, and for the quarterly, I am 4th place.
As for the year and all time, 7th place.
If I had done the 1,500 likes 2 days ago, I would have taken the week by storm with over 3,000 cheers, but the placements would still be the same. At least this way its more casual.
Thankyou @Jmx32 , @somwhere , @Chedda77 , @Tamkama , @MageHeart , @Beestie , @Zoysite13 , @Mangoking , @Corenvalent , and @Arachnous for the likes I needed for the badge “Nice Reply”.
How do you do cheers to someone??
Beleive it’s just by liking the comment…I.e.
Hearting, smiling, cry laughing, etc.
I’ve being liking almost 500 post I’m tired and it’s late LOL
Hmmm then I’m not sure I’m not a badge chaser just get them as they came. If anything I’d ask @Soulex they been working towards 100%completion.
@somwhere idk if what I’m asking is badge related tho , the cheers appear in the profile area. Not with the badges
So far I have 1,064 cheers
Is there a way that tells you?
Disregard I found it…Geesh 31k
Okay, this is information for when you wake up:
- Cheers are for everything you do on this forum- visiting topics, liking posts, reading posts
- Likes are hearts located at the bottom of each post or header topic post. The other emoticons/smiley faces are reactions- not likes
- Where you can count your likes are on your profile under the stats of your activity.
I believe this answers your question.