Genshin Impact

I’m fine with all regions… the only annoying thing so far for me was the inazuma. Collecting all needed for the tree…


Level 44, nice! Ah, the Sumeru side quests… So long and boring. The game also restricts you from solving puzzles until you get all these aranara songs. After hours spent with these side quests, at the ending party, all I wanted to do is make a salad out of these grassy guys. However, the ending is pretty poetic and sad, maybe it was worth it


Ok guys i down loaded on phone havent played it yet…and today was going thru my ps4 and noticed i hav had that game 4 awhile…its in my library and i hav a save file for it…hummm wonder what lvl i am and what crap i got. After delete some games to put it on my main desktop


Whats the deal with this fish? Cant seem to catch him


This is a special fish that requires a fishing rod and bait. You get them on a quest after AR35 and a quest with a teapot, if I’m not mistaken. Such fishing places with special fish are scattered all over the world


It hurts to hear that someone missed the daily 60 primogems :sob: :sob: :sob: Aranaras is complete nonsense. Many quests have secret achievements and the secret continues without any marks in the quest journal, and there are a lot of them. Plus, you need to find about 70 aranaras throughout the whole Sumeru and send them back to Vanarana, then one of the quest chains will allow you to get a bunch of chests. To do this, by the way, you need to find a dried seed in the Chasm, hidden in a chest near a large sakura underground.
Somewhere right here, if I’m not mistaken, there is a hidden passage to the cave, where a girl will be waiting inside, connected with the quest for growing viparyas. For me finding this place was difficult


It’s an interesting turn of events :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Actually, the only worthy thing you get out of catching the fish is the polearm from Inazuma and its refining materials, it is a really powerful weapon with a 32% burst damage bonus
"The Catch" | Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom


Btw this fish is needed for the polearm in big amounts. And this is the real pain. It spawns only here at certain hours and only a couple of them.
Overall a good trick to catch more fish is to catch all the fish from the pond by day and by night (in Genshin time). Day and nighttime have different sets of fish each real day.


So I re downloaded Genshin on my ps5 and yeah just couldn’t do it. I was too lost and didn’t know where I left off. I will try again this weekend. Maybe even link it to my phone and try that


Yup… need to fish during the day and the night.


The base of the game is just to explore the world and find chests + solve puzzles to find chests, all the mechanics and stuff are an add-on I’d say. For sure following the plot is important if you want not to get too bored skipping dialogues, but the plot has nothing to do with the main storyline till Dainsleif appears, and these are not the quests that were available back then. I think you’re fine it just needs some time to get back in, if you still want this, of course


I finally installed in on my PS5. Gonna give it a try for the first time. :grin::grin::grin:
Really excited :relieved::relieved::heart::heart:


Time for some adventure :partying_face:


I love Genshin but I do whale. >.> Dragonspine was one of my favorite areas, but it opens up a bit too early in the level progression; I had to keep doing main story and other quests and come back after I was higher level. I know that a lot of people don’t like the Sheer Cold mechanic, but I thought having the added tension in just Dragonspine was nice. Since they’re copying (or started out copying) Breath of the Wild anyway, I’m hoping that they have a similar heat mechanic once we reach Natlan.


Good luck with this one! :muscle:


I think it’s okay to whale if there is an opportunity to do so. I mean, since the release of the game I spent a horrible amount of money to look at it, but that includes my gf account too, so I see no problem since we are enjoying it. Regarding mechanics, I always appreciated something that makes the gameplay more challenging. Because it happens I use the full potential of all these 5-star characters only in the abyss… I also want characters like Klee to be able to ride boars one day. I know this sounds weird and unrealistic for Genshin, but what if…


Does anyone know how long is the gameplay ?


Basically, it is endless, because of two reasons: 1) It is still an ongoing project with new story quests each month 2) the gameplay content is fluid because each month there are new events not connected to the story. But to get to the end of the story content that is present now, many many hours are needed not only because there is a lot of content, but also because the game restricts your AR level up like in mobile games with “energy” that takes real-world time to reset :laughing: Since I played this game for two years it is really hard to sum how much took the story. Maybe @Keiffer knows since he started a new game recently and progressing through the game drastically fast


Been playing for two years, only completed 4/7 of the areas😐