Photo blurred since this is the general side -Hestia25
Hey, did anyone else realize that there is a mistake in the October box? The Atago#58 card has incorrect text on the back. It is the text from Kurumi card #57 in the 2nd paragraph and not the actual Atago one.
Welcome to the community, I fixed the image to edit out the nudity on the back of the card you posted, as this is the general side of the forum, but allowed the topic to be posted as it is relevant. can you be more elaborate about what the mistake is as I don’t know the character or what mistake you are talking about. Keep in mind to use “spoiler blurs” on any info that may spoil the card, as not everyone has gotten their October Otaku Box yet.
Edit: Nevermind I didn’t comprehend what you had written as you already did elaborate…I just woke up, I’m still groggy and need caffeine.