I didn’t find any appropriate topic to share this, so I would like to set a discussion for now and in the future about Pokémon Z-A.
Yesterday, Nintendo shared some actual footage, and it looks fun. Also, the new combat system is a challenge even for the Legends format. No new or regional pokemon was shown. So excited to see more
legends z-a is looking like it’s gonna be good. now to see if they kalos regional variants to the three starters like did for thelegends arceus starters or not?
I hope they do Kalos forms for lots of pokemon, and if so, then the starters, too. But what I’m 100% sure of is that they give mega evolutions to the starters. It’s impossible to bring back the Mega Evolution theme and not let the starter pokemon have these
If they won’t leave the Pokemon Legends path, I suppose there will be Xerneas and Yveltal besides Zygarde. They could have different forms, like Palkia and Dialga in PLA. Maybe I’m going insane, but what if Zygarde’s complete form will be different in this game?
I think there’s not that much of mega evolutions not to bring into the game… I mean, I think there will be all the current evolutions and even new ones. What if instead of a Kalos form pokemons they’ll add a mega evolution to EACH pokemon in the game :DDD
P.S. I’m a Metagross and Steelix fan, and I was disappointed to know they didn’t add Steelix to SV, even though HOME
I hope Meganium gets buffed its sorta of a decent support Pokémon right now I think they should keep it a support Pokémon and make its mega bulky physically and specially so it can keep its support nature