The game is out! I’ll get myself one only tomorrow, but will be happy to see if anyone can share their views on the topic or maybe just funny daily updates!
Personally, I will take cute\funny pictures and share them here when I get the game
Hooray! I also just bought and will now check out the game. Hope you are enjoying it!
That’s it as I promised. Stuck on an island without the ability to swim (before I got the mount), I was automatically transferred to the center of the pond during the fight. Besides the bugs - a cool game
Yeah I’ve been letting my Pokémon just randomly walk around and kill stuff lol. As far as story I’ve only just made it to the school. Got to farms lvls first
I went to open the map and raised a couple of pokemon to level 40 when they stopped listening to my commands. I completely forgot that you need to go through gyms in order to be able to command high-level pokemon. Got carried away a bit given the opportunity to travel anywhere lol
Lol yeah I’ve been trying to lvl every Pokémon I have to at least 20 then I’ll prgoess the gym/legendary titans/team rocket.
Got my first shiny in Violet!

Definitely getting Violet eventually, can’t wait for Cyclizar!
I have yet to come across a shiny. Finally decided to progress in the story and took on my first gym leader, Kate I beleive it was. She got demolished by my toxel. Lol.
Hahah. Yeah you could. I havnt don’t anything like that yet. I did however do some surprise trading. Didn’t get anything good though.
Shoot in Pokémon sword and shield I got like god tier Pokémon, most likely modded in surprise trades. I ain’t gonna snitch. I kept it and used it
Indeed, that’s a nice one!
I’ve gone through six gyms already just to have my Gardevoir that I caught at level 40 listen to my commands
The psychic gym was a pain at 40 lvl… In general, my desire to explore is stronger than going through the story, but the tasks with the titans are cool and I like them. Now my “motorcycle” can also swim
Yeah your way ahead of me. I plan to grind a bit this weekend.
I also have big plans for the weekend, cause somehow during the week, I don’t have much time to play. I must say that I didn’t play that much - progress here comes in an unusual way, this is the first Pokemon game where you can do whatever you want right from the beginning. I remember as a child when I played Pokemon Red, I was staying in the first location with bushes for a couple of days
I’m literally walking around and picking up free loot and killing all wild Pokémon, while catching the ones I don’t have
I get so side tracked though. Walking behind everything and searching every nook and cranny
So a good day of grinding in Violet. This weekend was an evee event, so I have all the different Tera types probably missing some for sure.
Nice team! With Eevee, I didn’t even know that there was an event, but in the end, I caught a bunch of different tera types. It was cool
Yeah that’s what all those evee are, different Tera type. My team is just me leveling Pokémon. I havnt decided on a legit team yet. I like to be overpowered when I go against all the gym leaders