Hey everyone for one of my college classes I have to do some analytics which requires atleast 100 rows of data per source. So it would be a huge help if everyone could take the google survey below, shouldnt take more than 2-3 mins and doesnt ask for any personal information. Thank you again for all those that participate.
welcome @jamesosmith95
I have completed the survey!
I took the survey as well! ^.^
Done and done also welcome!
Filled out the survey!
Welcome to the community @jamesosmith95
Welcome to the Community @jamesosmith95
Welcome to the Community @jamesosmith95
Since the topic is what it is, I will at least talk about the topic. My preferred console is in-between 2, PS4/5 and Sw1tch. What is everyone else’s?
Completed. I prefer the PC so it was a short survey for me.
I found it amusing to be lumped into the 35+ age bracket.
Nice, my personal favorites are PC and Xbox One
That’s a tough one. I’m there with you. Both serve there purpose.
PlayStation and switch all day.
Welcome to the Community! Completed the survey, good luck there
poll taken
Welcome James
Xbox but i also own a ps5 and a switch