I mean 250 isnt bad
Depends on a persons budget. $250 to one person may be pocket change, but to someone else it’s a major purchase.
Granted I’ve spent well over $250 for a figure but I take pause at $500+ as that is way above my budget for a piece of resin or plastic shaped like an anime girl.
Luckily most the ones I’m interested in are never that high of a price range.
Its just about saving really little bits at a time
Yeah I personally pause at around $100. I mean I’m married with a little one so… Most of my$$ is spent on them
I am pretty sure I wont ever find a partner but I am fine with the idea now
Know the feeling
Tbh if my credit card didn’t have almost $1900 on it i would’ve ordered one by now. Next month I’m going to pay as much as is reasonable on it. I only make 960 something year and then trump might take away my only lifeline to pay my bills. Im disabled now and I’ve heard he’s going to gut certain programs
I need to have more care next time. I was preparing dinner today (homemade turkey burgers and french fries and it cut my skin with the mandoline. I had to put a glove. It’s dangerous that thing
Hestia Burgers?
I didn’t took a pic this time. But I got mince turkey meat and I season it with adobo Goya, garlic/onion powder, pepper, oregano, parsley, egg, and instead of breadcrumbs (the fam can’t eat carbs now) I use powder parmesan cheese
Ooooo I’d love to come to dinner if that’s the menu
Just peeled a little skin?
Yup. Still hurts like hell
Trying to add a little extra to dinner? I’m sure it does done it to many times to count
Yeah I once spent $500, but figures are getting even more expensive, it’s getting ridiculous.
I keep telling myself, “At least it’s not drugs,” as I click ADD TO CART.
“This time”
Something tells me we’re gonna need a Collectors Anonymous group in here.