The Rant Board

Wow that’s crazy!!


These jamokes. I don’t even build model cars. Haven’t done that since I was 12.



But, I don’t have COMCAST, so suck it, scammer.


I’ve been offline bc we got hit by a native over storm and lost power for 35 hours. But we’re back!


I should mention that before the storm all those trees were vertical and not flat :smile:


You can keep that right where you are, we just had a few inchs of snow thankfully, but round two is this Tuesday for us.


Good luck! All ours was melted the very next day unfortunately the damage was already done.

You wouldn’t have known we’d gotten ice except for the fallen trees literally everywhere


I’ve been through a few of those over my lifetime. The worse one was in 2001 when we was out of power for 2 weeks. Had to cook on the wood burning stove we thankfully had at that time.

Was living in town when the storm happened and had no power at out full electric rental, went to my roommates folks place to stay the night as they lived next to the hospital at the time and still had power. Anyway long story short had a falling out with my roommate and his b*tch gf, so I moved back to my folks that night. They live in the county so they were the last to get power back on, they was only out for a week in town. Damn near ever powerline was down due to that storm.


Wow crazy. I hate a propane grill and fireplace downstairs so we were able to stay warm and cook.


Incredibly frustrated right now because of a certain song played randomly. I used this song to literally make a final plea for a girl to be with me but all she said was “i understand” she told me that she wants to continue being more like my sibling than a girlfriend and that she’ll probably never be able see me as anything other that her brother. Its a position that ive been put in several times and all because i require a deep emotional connection to find someone sexually attractive and that can take many years to accomplish so my potential gf is usually a childhood friend. And after all that im usually put in a bind because childhood friends have a really hard time putting me as a boyfriend. Fucking hate this shit sometimes.


If a girl you like puts you in the friendzone just drop her like a rock as she is no longer worth the investment of your time. She just likes the benefits of being in a relationship with you without actually being in a relationship, aka a user. To continue to associate with a woman who will never see you as anything more is impossible after you show your hand and reveal all, as you will only be torturing yourself as you will still have feeling for her that she will never reciprocate. Much like continuing to feed a slot machine that does nothing but take your money hoping it will pay off eventually but it never does. I’m not saying a guy and a girl can’t be friends, because I have plenty of female friends that I only ever see as friends, but if you went into the “friendship” hoping to turn it into something else, you’re just setting yourself up for disaster. It’s best to just cut all ties instantly if a girl you see more as friends puts you in the friendzone., to do anything else only makes you look weak to her and to any other girls that witness this act.


I went into it thinking that my feelings wouldn’t change from romantic to friendship and then back romantic. I never expected to redevelop these feelings i have. But we can easily go long periods of time without speaking but then pickup the conversation like nothing happened. Shes the sister i never had and my dream girl at the same time and it’s almost impossible for me to separate them. I have less than 100 friends on fb so inner circle is very small


I’ve been in that situation before, just had to let the season end and look forward to the ones to come.

My inner circle is literally 1 fella, my ride or die.
Too many people suck ya dry and leave you with fuckall.

Aww yea, and me Mum too. So 2 people, fuck. that near sounds sad haha :rofl:


The older you get the smaller your inner circle becomes, I only have a handful of close friends, and even then only one of them I’m really close with and that is my female roommate. Pure platonic relationship with her, even if I wanted to I couldn’t find her attractive. She is more like a sister to me then anything. Besides she just got herself a new boyfriend and I’m happy for her, and I joke around about asking when she is gonna move in with him, lol. (but in all seriousness I want my privacy back, her living with me was only supposed to be temporary and having a female roommate kind of cramps your dating aspects because other girls always assume you are sleeping together…eww…)


Yea what he said just the weirdos here really lol


speak for yourself, I’m not a weirdo…


Why you gotta lie to these fine people?


What? Me lie? never…


Is this the hear no evil see no evil speak no evil lol


monkey-sad (1)