Seriously. Should at least have a narna on the side.
I would take a package of freaking crackers!
stage whisper
I’m just glad he’s downwind.
Listen 'ere
Bought too much pizza over Christmas break and haven’t had a full swing at work yet haha
Had to raid the darkest reaches of the pantry to find these fuckers to bring to work
Look man no judging lol
Eh, talkin shit is the best part haha
On the send
Been a long ass time since I was broke this hard, tuesday gon be a feast!!
Baked beans and a protein bar, man Your Bowels are gonna hate you later.
It’s gon have to put up with it for another 4 day’s
Gon be nuclear by then haha
I blew way too much on the grandcub for her birthday this paycheck. Ramen and fried egg sammiches until Next Friday.
Some real food issues going on in here lol granted Ramen and eggs are good
I can relate. My daughter bday party is this Sunday and she wanted a jumping park, so I’ll gonna be spending 300+ plus for 10 kids
I also bought her on Amazon some book collection(baby sitters club) she’s loving from the school library from the 1-7
You’re a good mom. She’ll have a blast.
Sort of related to food but, was working today and looking up some oranges we just got in (sumo citrus) their apparently doing a trip to Japan contest for 2 figured I’d share it with everyone.
I wanna go!!
I got 2lbs of bbq brisket, mac’n’chz, and tater salad in the fridge.
And what am I having for dinner?
And why am I having this?
I had a hankering.