I just wanna know if it’s just me. Having bad luck or if anyone else is having issue is getting there box? It’s the second time that’s happened to me. I do love the merch.
And it does have good items, I would like to hear from other people of if they’ve been having Issues with their deliveries.
First of all welcome to the community @Dravon
Second, occasionally people have issues getting their box, 9 times out of 10 its due to the mail service and out of the hands of The Otaku Box. If you are having issues it would be best to contact support@theotakubox.com , as they can help you resolve this issue. This coming from a guy who’s been subscribed to the box for over 5 years.
Welcome to the forum, @Dravon . As Zoy said, most of the time it’s the fault of the delivery service. But Liz usually takes care of it if you email the support address.
I was just curious cuz i have been having bad luck. And the postle survers told me that it was not there falt. That they never got anything.
Yeah, they always do.
The postal services never admit it’s their fault, but once the boxes are shipped out it’s in their hands. If Liz sent you a tracking number its been shipped and its 100% in the postal services court.
I guess my biggest problem I have with this logic is, out of 11 boxes, only 3 have sent me a tracking code prior to my USPS notifications.